Monday, May 24, 2010

The Future of Military Robotics

The idea of autonomous robots equipped with machine guns, sniper-rifles, grenade launchers and the like has inspired a variety of apocalyptic scenarios, the most familiar of which are captured by modern blockbuster films like “The Terminator” and “iRobot.”

The Department of Defense expects to continue its heavy investment into creating various levels of autonomy for unmanned systems in battle-space awareness and force application tasks.

But the civilian population can rest assured that these robots will not become fully automated until legal rules of engagement and safety concerns have all been thoroughly examined and resolved; when pulling a trigger, human intervention is still required, and will remain required for a very long time.

Alterative flavors of military robots, particularly those that aid in protection and logistics, are playing an increasingly vital role in maintaining a competitive edge in national security. These robots are immune to fatigue, sleep-deprivation, lack of visibility and other performance hindering conditions, all the while performing tasks that are too dull, dirty or dangerous to warrant the risk of human life.

Source: embedded

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