Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Designing the Robots for Future

Engineering advancements in robotics are pushing open new doors in their functionality, bringing the day when a true multipurpose household robot ever closer. But before that day comes another important avenue of design that needs more research is the psychological aspects of humans interacting with smart machines. After all, a robot that lives with a family will have to interact with different kinds of humans, from small children to seniors, and each kind of person will want to have a different experience.

Beginning April 17 that future starts to be worked on as 10 universities from seven different European countries embark on the Lirec project. Lirec – Living with Robots and Interactive Companions – is a four-year, $12 million dollar endeavor that will look to how humans anthropomorphosize their experience with robots and what sort of interactions work best (and worst) for a broad spectrum of people. For example, the interaction between a robot that delivers a home security report to the head of the household should be different than the interaction given to a toddler.


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