Thursday, April 8, 2010

First green LED means a lighting revolution is fast approaching

Scientists at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) tried to apply their expertise in solar cell technology to build a green LED light from the ground up, they surprisingly centered the objective at their very first try. In doing so they solved a long-standing technological problem and paved the way for the large-scale employment of white LEDs for public and domestic illumination over the course of the next few years. LED lights are unanimously regarded as a vast improvement over previous light bulbs because of their much longer lifespan and higher efficiency, which ends up saving us money in the long run, even when the higher initial cost is taken into account.
Further predictions from the Department of Energy estimate that the move toward LEDs for both public and domestic lighting could save the U.S. as much as US$120 billion over the course of the next 20 years.

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