Monday, November 16, 2009

Michael Jackson 3D scan up for auction

In 1997, Michael Jackson had a 3D scan taken of his body. Some have supposed that this was part of Michael’s plan to build a virtual reality double of himself, but honestly, we don’t know.
This 3D scan data has been put on sale by an anonymous seller for one million dollars. This seller says that: “it [the 3D scan] immortalized him at the age of 37, before his nose was disfigured and when he was in the prime of life”. Really? The prime of his life was in 1997? I would have thought it would have been during that “Thriller” or “Bad” era.
So what could this data be used for? What about making a Michael Jackson robot, like the type in Moonwalker. Maybe if holographic technology gets better, we could live to see the day when Michael Jackson struts on stage again.

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