Wednesday, November 25, 2009

7 ways to generate and save energy at home

1.Analyse where you are using electricity and where you can make it more efficient.
for example- replace old fashioned incadescent lightbulbs with electricity-sippig compact fluorscent bulbs

2.Solar power keeps going and going:Between 80 and 85 percent of the at-home renewable energy generation systems installed today are solar panels, which in industry parlance are called photovoltaic modules. "If it is installed properly, it is pretty much a forget-it proposition. There's no maintenance involved, there's no noise involved and it is easily installed on roofs of houses

3.Solar water heating panel: Such heaters sit on roofs and use the sun's rays to heat up water to temperatures hot enough for most basic household needs.

4.Passive solar heating:new home and have time to work with an architect, you can take advantage of the millennia-old practice of positioning the home to take full advantage of passive solar heat.

5.Wind is not always a breeze:There's a ton of energy to be harnessed from the wind, though doing so "is a tough one for individual homeowners because, in most locations, the wind can be somewhat intermittent

6.Micro-hydro:For people lucky enough to live on property with a river or creek running through it, there's the potential to tap it for electricity. "You can snake a pipe up in there, steal some of the water, run it through a turbine and return it to the creek

7.Get earthy to reduce electricity bills:Though the air gets hot in the summer and cold in the winter, the ground temperature stays consistent year 'round, between 45 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on latitude. Geothermal heat pumps take advantage of this consistency to keep homes comfortable. The systems include a series of water-filled tubes that absorb the earth's heat, plus an electrically driven pump that moves the water into the house.

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