Tuesday, September 15, 2009

who should recycle the Ewaste !

Americans each year buy a mountain of computers, big-screen TVs, cell phones and digital video recorders, a spending spree only slightly slowed by the recession. Most of the purchases replace older electronics.
But what happens to the things we don't want anymore?
The vast majority of this e-waste -- millions of tons of it every year -- is dumped in landfills.
"In an age when there's a new iPhone, or television, every other week it seems, people are hemorrhaging their old electronics," said Jim Simon, associate environmental educator at the University at Buffalo Green Office
This is bad for the environment, because many of these devices contain lead and other heavy metals that can leach into the soil and the water supply.
While electronics recyclers say they handle this material responsibly, critics note some devices have ended up overseas, where poorly paid workers remove their precious metals in unsafe conditions. Some advocates say consumers need to be encouraged to recycle more, while others say the manufacturers should bear more responsibility for disposing of their old products.

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